Saturday, December 16, 2006

ciao for now!

Thanks for visiting...I've moved to

This has been a wonderful two years but it's time for a change.
My archives aren't there yet -but should be imported to the new site pretty soon.


Friday, December 15, 2006

november funeral

I wrote this stream of consciousness before going to a november funeral. I was too emotional that day to post it and it felt quite trite at the time. But in light of the imminent situation in the Horn region, I feel more comfortable doing this now.

today am going to a funeral, and it's been a sort of day of atonement for me here.
i avoided doing any serious thinking about school matters because i would get caught up and preoccupied with deadlines that, in light of today's circumstances, don't seem all too important anymore. I also don't want to think of a funeral as an obligation or a distraction, people's lives have just completely turned upside down, and I can't use up one afternoon to reflect?

i feel so sad for the family to have to lose a valued, irreplaceable member. life is so long compared to the immediacy of death. i always felt that losing a family member early in life makes people a little fearless. i mean, after death what is there to fear in life? the imagination of losing someone very close to me is so terrorizing that the thoughts have paralysed me sometimes. but if you've had to face this reality, there's little to haunt you, everyday you live remembering what you've lost. i know that fear in my heart is all love, the more you love the more you anticipate and fear its sudden loss, even though death is not a loss of love.

the terror of the unexpected. it's such a bourgoisie, privileged conception it makes me sick. to actually fear terror is a privilege, it means you can think of it, analyse it, imagine it, avoid it. risk management is the bureacratic formulation of avoiding terror. and we have it down to a science. the scientific, calculated management of terror. when you experience terror i'm sure you can't think of it. i'm sure you don't imagine it, or describe it or fear it. terror just is.

what terror is, i don’t to really know. but i know that it takes on so many forms we cannot define it without using a holistic framework - it's physical and psychological, emotional, real or perceived, its short-term, enduring, calculated, pervasive.

to say terror is a group of people who have also lost loved ones just seems wrong intuitively. we are all vulnerable to terror and deep loss and sadness. when some rich people name it 'terrorism' they are just saying, my loss is more important than yours, my loss is greater than yours, my loss is real loss.

every loss is a real loss and i think that we need to stop counting and making it competitive. living is such a humbling experience and it is beautiful sometimes so i think we need to always bemoan the loss of this life because these moments are the only things we know for sure.

in some ways funerals bring people together. i've seen them restore friendships and unite communities. they allow people to express sincerity, depth, understanding, restore solidarity and hope in life. but they are sad days nonetheless and moreover its how we remember people and their loss after the funeral that matters more.

so in a way this entry is a way for me to open up my fear to the world, let it just be, acknowledge it and realize death is just part of life. i think schools should teach students about death; and not just after the fact. I know nothing can prepare you but to talk about how to deal with it, talk about it as part of life, normalize death. it can't be left to faith and family alone, it's too complex an experience.

need peace

Praying for peace tonight...
a cool night with the wind blowing through
thinking of my brothers and sisters who
might lose another or two,
if there's no peace tonight

I don't want to hear the cries from here
of the women, children, men of tears,
if there's no peace anytime tonight

peace of mind
how lucky we are to write about this peace
how lucky we are to dream endlessly
but if there's no peace tonight, I'm done dreaming
i tell you
no more dreaming of regional stability,
regional trade, regional growth, regional love
without peace tonight there is no regional hope.

so let there be peace, as God said on the seventh,
let there be rest, and hope, and hope, and hope
for tomorrow.

So yes all day I've been thinking about the regional instability in the Horn. I had a talk with a Somali friend of mine and we thought and discussed and hoped together that these men will put down arms, in the name of women and children. Retreat, put down the arms, we beg of the Ethiopian government to get out while we're all still ahead. Yes, I'm still dreaming it seems.

12 December
Islamic courts give Ethiopian troops one week to leave Somalia or face a "major attack". (BBC News)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Global Voices Summit in New Delhi 2006

Global Voices Summit in Delhi '06

Thursday, December 07, 2006

is talking a form of action?

I’m just getting off of the phone from a very long conversation with a friend. We always have long conversations about what we want to do with our lives, where we see ourselves going, our strengths and weaknesses as people, Our Friendship.
Yes we talk about our friendship a lot. Like a growing plant, we water it, give it fertilizer, open the blinds to let the sun shine in. But sometimes the sun isn’t shining, it’s dark and dry outside, overcast, looking like it’s about to thunder. Yeah, sometimes that’s how we talk about our friendship. We both want things to improve but the question is – does talking help? Is talking a form of action?
Many pragmatic people would say no. Action is action, talking is not action. I’m undecided. If thinking is a form of action (let’s make this an assumption) and talking expresses our thinking then by transitive property, talking is a form of action? Let’s try to use an argument form:

If A(thinking)B (a form of action) & If C(Talking expresses our thinking) -> B (a form of action) if a=b and c=b then c=b

Nope. Doesn’t work, that’s called a tautological argument if I remember correctly. But I could have messed up the argument form, anyone want to help me with this?

But there are two assumptions here. And that is AB that thinking might be a form of action (admittedly the “if” says this is an assumption) and C, “that talking expresses our thinking”. Does it really? There is no such thing as perfect communication. There is no way to express all parts of our thinking in verbs, nouns, adverbs, all so contrived and loaded with meaning – in any case betraying our thoughts to be more or less than they really are. If not more or less; this way or that way, positive or negative, better or worse.

So are we really watering the plant or letting the poor thing dry out? I think communication skills are one of the most important skills a person can develop. To know oneself well and communicate that version as accurately as possible is the best way to assume control over what the person hears and interprets. But that is ceteris parabis, all things being equal, in the ideal scenario the listener does not add or subtract from what they hear, does not interpret more or less given what you have provided them to work with.

Of course this doesn’t happen. We even fool ourselves when talking, nevermind confusing others. It is a hard exercise to communicate well but it is so extremely important to learn to do it better.

(okay, in truth, talking is not a form of action but a form of distraction when you have as many deadlines as I have now.)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

what kind of soul are you?

You Are an Old Soul

You are an experienced soul who appreciates tradition.
Mellow and wise, you like to be with others but also to be alone.
Down to earth, you are sensible and impatient.
A creature of habit, it takes you a while to warm up to new people.

You hate injustice, and you're very protective of family and friends
A bit demanding, you expect proper behavior from others.
Extremely independent you don't mind living or being alone.
But when you find love, you tend to want marriage right away.

Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul and Visionary Soul